There is six kind of installation :

Installation with an archive

The installation with an archive is done via the console in command line.

Uncompress archive

In a first time must uncompress the archive with :

user@localhost $>tar xvfz GWhere-x.x.x.tar.gz

Then must enter into the created folder :

user@localhost $>cd GWhere-x.x.x


The first step is the preparation of configuration scripts with checking of the depedences :

user@localhost $>./configure

Specific options of configuration

The configuration can be parameterized with standards options. But GWhere can also define its own options. Here a list of the available options :
  • --enable-debug :
    Activate debug mode
  • --enable-debug-time :
    Activate debug mode for time calculation
  • --enable-debug-data-component :
    Activate debug mode for data components. This option is active only if the debug mode is activated.
  • --enable-debug-tools-component :
    Activate debug mode for tools components. This option is active only if the debug mode is activated.
  • --enable-debug-gui-component :
    Activate debug mode for graphical user interface components. This option is active only if the debug mode is activated.
  • --enable-debug-gui-callback-component :
    Activate debug mode for graphical user interface callbacks components. This option is active only if the debug mode is activated.
  • --target=[linux|cygwin] :
    To set the target OS to build GWhere.
If the system has all the required dependences, then scripts of compilation will be created.


The second step is the compilation :

user@localhost $>make


The third step is the installation :

user@localhost $>make install

To be able to carry out this order it is necessary to have the rights of the root (if it is not the case it is necessary to pass root with su root, then to be disconnected from the account as soon as the installation is finished with exit).

Installation with an RPM

The installation with an RPM is done by command line :

user@localhost $>rpm -i GWhere-x.x.x.rpm

Installation with a Debian package

The installation with a Debian package is done by command line :

user@localhost $>dpkg -i GWhere-x.x.x.deb

Installation with the Debian repository

In a first time, you must add theses two lines in your /ect/apt/sources.list file :

deb unstable main
deb-src unstable main

Then in order to install GWhere from the Debian repository, you should type this command line :

user@localhost $>apt-get install gwhere

Or :

user@localhost $>apt-get source --build gwhere

Gentoo installation

user@localhost $>emerge gwhere

MS Windows installer

The installation under Windows is easy : the installation program must be launched and following the instructions.
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Last : 0.2.3
Devel : 0.3.0
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  • GTK+ 1.2
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  •  [tally] 53
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